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'learn me how'

Image by Hello I'm Nik
Image by Lidya Nada

Start sharing your passion by connecting to people using Google, Facebook, Yelp and other popular free social networking sites.

Image by Kiwihug
Image by Steve Halama




It may not be easy but do your best to chose a username that best represents your brand identity and is available across all platforms.  Think clean, consistent and easy to remember.  Take extra time to plan, this is a decision you want to stick with for the long term.



Managing your message can be time consuming, so focus on services that best fit your effort. Some also choose to secure their username/handle in more than one place in case they choose to be more active in the future.


Boost it

Once you develop your online voice and have a steady following you may want to consider spending a few dollars on paid advertising.  We suggest at least $50 to test the waters.  Use targeting tools to best reach your desired audience and try a few different combinations over time and take note on what works best.



Use a free email account specifically for your online persona, this will ensure you always have access.  Also be sure to use separate password for each account and include upper and lower case letters, numbers and two or more special characters-- you may also want to enable two-factor authorization.


Get social

Use a calendar to plan your messaging. Remember holidays and important dates past, present and future as it relates to your efforts. Be consistent and develop a style that is warm, welcoming and offers value.  Be clear, concise and engage with those that comment with questions or praise.


It's important to ALWAYS GIVE THANKS to your fans and supporters.

We love questions and making connections!

1050 Bishop St. #305
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813




© 2024 Holoholo Media LLC   |  Digital Media Marketing Hawaii  |  Native Hawaiian Owned and Operated

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